2019 Neuro Connect Summit – Dysphagia and Speech Therapy

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MAY 4-6, 2019
The 2019 NCSummit was made possible by the 2019 Neuro Connect Alliance partners: Bobby Jones CSF, Dysautonomia Support Network and The Ehlers-Danlos Society. This weekend full of education, awareness and advocacy included educational lectures and workshops. The weekend ended with a march to Capitol Hill. Patients and family members had meetings with their representatives to fight for issues that matter most to those with Chiari, dysautonomia, EDS, syringomyelia and related disorders. 

Michelle Wilson, speech therapist at Johns Hopkins, describes in excellent detail how speech and swallowing issues (sometimes called dysphagia) are identified and treated in patients with certain neurological disorders, including Chiari malformation. If you have been experiencing any issues with swallowing or speaking and you just aren't sure if it is clinically relevant, this is a must watch.

Ms. Wilson describes the different diagnostic imaging to get, which diagnostic tests work best. And, importantly, she describes which patients may need to consider speech therapy as a treatment option and when.

This presentation was given at the 2019 Neuro Connect Summit held in Rockville, Maryland as part of a full weekend of education, awareness and advocacy. (2019) Thank you to the 2019 Neuro Connect Alliance partners for making this education and advocacy weekend a reality: Bobby Jones Chiari & Syringomyelia Foundation, Dysautonomia Support Network and The Ehlers-Danlos Society!

Learn more about the 2019 Neuro Connect Summit and Neuro Connect Alliance at

Revised: 9/2019