Standardization of the Radiological Measurements of the Craniocervical Junction & Instability
2013 CSF Research Colloquium: Craniocervical Instability
Dr. Misao Nishikawa delivers a lecture from Japan via Skype concerning the inconsistency of measurements at the craniocervical junction that makes it difficult to diagnose patients with craniocervical instability, Chiari malformation, and other conditions. (2013)
Respected clinicians and other experts were gathered both nationally and internationally to share their research and clinical findings in an attempt to determine the best way to treat conditions related to hypermobility and instability of the spinal cord.
*The views and opinions expressed by the participants in this Colloqium are their own, based upon their individual specific experiences or their general observations reacting to hypothetical circumstances. The views expressed and the statements made by participating physicians do not represent specific medical advice nor do they represent any official policy or position taken by CSF.
Revised: 9/2019