UNITE@NIGHT IS NOW UNITE4ANSWERS! Visit the unite4answers page here.






Noah Forman, our youngest unite@night Walk Chair, was featured in the Florida Jewish Journal for heading up the only 5k for Chiari and syringomyelia in the country.

Read the full article here!


unite@night is a collection of one-mile, casual walks/events around the country that bring together people who are living with the devastating effects of Chiari malformation, syringomyelia, EDS, and related disorders. unite@night will support Bobby Jones CSF to provide education, support, and increase awareness, while funding advocacy work and research projects that can potentially find answers to help those who are fighting these disorders.


SIGN UP HERE to host your own walk

Help us unlock the answers to these disorders. Each step you take, no matter how difficult, brings hope to patients and their loved ones. Be the key to unlocking real solutions. Reach your fundraising goal by sharing your customized MobileCause page!

If you would like to get involved or if you have any questions/concerns about unite@night walk, send an email to cpoznik@bobbyjonescsf.org or call the unite@night office at (330) 998-6195.


2022 Registration Instructions – coming soon

2022 Recognition Prizes

Bobby Jones CSF W-9

IRS Letter of Determination

Bobby Jones CSF Brochure

Chiari Malformation (CM) Information Page

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Information Page

Syringomyelia (SM) Information Page

Coloring and Puzzle Pages

Talking Points for Your Walk

Walk Signs

Facebook Fundraiser and Banner


More information about corporate sponsorship HERE. Interested in sponsoring?

If you would like to be a unite@night sponsor, you may register online to pay by credit card HERE or, if you would like to send in a check, complete this sponsorship form and mail to: Bobby Jones CSF, 69-39 Yellowstone Blvd. #216, Forest Hills, NY 11375.

Contact Cathy Poznik at cpoznik@bobbyjonescsf.org or (330) 998-6195 for more information.


Not a big family or corporation, but want to sponsor a local Chiari, syringomyelia and EDS walk in your area? Sponsorship markers can be purchased at either $50 per sponsorship! Complete and return this form HERE.


How do I raise money for my Walk?

You can call on friends, family, neighbors, co-workers (whomever!) for small donations to support your cause. For example, you can try the “pay it forward” technique. Recruit 10 people to donate $25 to your walk and ask them to recruit 10 people to do the same, you have just raised $2,500 for your walk, with practically no work!

How are donations collected?

You will be able to use the MobileCause fundraising website, just as anyone participating in a group walk would OR set up a Facebook Fundraiser! You may ask people to donate online and credit you directly, or they are able to send in a check or money order made payable to “Bobby Jones CSF” to the address below. You are discouraged from sending cash in the mail: it’s just not safe! If you have collected your donations in cash (since most people do donate this way), please convert that cash to a cashier’s check and mail it in! For assistance on how to do so, pay a visit to your bank and talk to the local teller.

Make checks payable to “Bobby Jones CSF” and mail to:
Bobby Jones CSF
69-39 Yellowstone Blvd. #216
Forest Hills, NY 11375