Do you want to help raise important funds for programs and research that benefit people living with Chiari malformation, syringomyelia and related disorders, but don’t have a lot of time or money? Maybe you’ve been wanting to help for a while, but weren’t sure how.
This is a fun, easy, and helpful way to totally crush these disorders. All you need is commitment towards a little “change”…
1) To make a container, download the Crush Chiari, Smash Syringomyelia and/or Squash EDS labels here, print on adhesive (or regular) paper and place it onto jars, jugs, plastic container, or whatever you might have in your home!
2) Collect all the change you can!
3) Convert the change you’ve collected into (preferably) a check and mail to: Bobby Jones CSF, 29 Crest Loop, Staten Island, NY 10312.
Revised 03/2024