Bobby Jones CSF Think Tank

2019: New Avenues in Research

Each year, Bobby Jones CSF hosts an annual Think Tank to promote the exchange of ideas and inspire new research projects. The 2019 Think Tank included presentations from a variety of different disciplines– neurosurgery, anesthesiology, radiology and even veterinary.

2019 Think Tank Presentations

Long Term Follow Up of Foramen Magnum Decompression & Cranioplast in Cavalier King Chalres Spaniels (2005-2017) – Dominic J. Marino, DVM (Veterinarian)

Obex Exploration & Duraplasty to Improve Syrinx Resolution Following Chairi Decompression – Anthony C. Wang, MD (Pediatric Neurosurgeon)

Rapid-Sequence Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Chiari I Malformation – Kristen Yeom, MD (Radiologist)

Cervical Medullary Syndrome & Cranial Instability: Results of 5-Year Follow Up – Fraser C. Henderson, Sr., MD (Neurosurgeon)

Management of Pain in Pregnancy & Birth for Women with Chiari I: A Multi-center Study – Thomas R. Gruffi, MD (Anesthesiologist)

One Health: Learning From Our Best Friends Canine Chiari & Syringomyelia – Claire Rusbridge, BVMS, PhD, DECVN, FRCVS (Veterinarian)

Clinical Deterioration of Syringomyelia Symptoms Despite Syrinx Resolution After Chiari Decompression – Jay Shetty, MD (Neurosurgeon)



Revised: 09/2019